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Posted by on Apr 16, 2018

3 Ways Bid Protests Can Help Improve Source Selection

3 Ways Bid Protests Can Help Improve Source Selection

Anyone involved in the government contracting process can tell you that bid protests cause a great deal of anxiety. From the stress caused by the ding on performance evaluations to the automatic stay and the loss of revenue, neither the government nor private industry view a bid protest as a positive.

Despite the discomfort that bid protests cause, there is a positive that can be found in the action. The bid protest is probably the best learning tool that contracting professionals can utilize to refine their source selection methods.

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Posted by on Dec 21, 2016

The Test Your Organization Might Not Be Using, but Should

For hands-on courses where participants learn a skill, the evaluation type should match the content of what participants learn. One effective approach is to use a situational judgment test (SJT). SJTs present test-takers with written or video-based scenarios, and ask them to respond in one of two ways: (1) choose how they would likely behave in a given situation, or (2) evaluate the effectiveness of possible responses to a given situation. In the first response type, test-takers can choose the best or worst response from a list of potential responses, rate how effective each potential response option is, or even rank the potential responses in order of effectiveness.

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